FAQ- Details of Scheduling Options For Open Water Certification

See all about the course PADI OW certification with Kohala Divers here

There are scheduling options when earning your PADI Open Water certification in Hawaii. This documents help you decide the best schedule for you to get the most out of your diving course to set you up for a lifelong passion for diving.


Elearning can be completed at your leisure and should be complete before starting your in water training. Sections 1-3 must be complete before your first pool confined water 1-3 training session and sections 4-5 must be complete before the 2nd pool confined water 4-5 session.

In-water learning Options:

Kohala Divers offers certification in as little as 3 days or you can segment the course for up to a year,

What is the best way to learn?


For Divers who have a week or more to fit in their certification class our standard course takes place over 3-4 days.

Day 1: PM pool training for confined dives 1-3

Day 2: AM Ocean dives 1 & 2

Day 2 or 3: PM pool training for confined dives

Day 3 or 4: AM Ocean dives 3 & 4

This schedule is great because it paces the course to learn certain skills in a confined water environment and then practicing them in the ocean before learning more skills.


  • Gives time to absorb a few skills at a time
  • Keeps confined water sessions to a length of time well tolerated
  • Best choice in winter when its more likely to get cold in the pool
  • Great for first time scuba divers
  • A great pace for kids
  • Days 1-4 do not have to be in a row so rest days can be customized. We have courses running a few days every week.


For some getting all the confined water done in one session works better for their schedule.

-we do not schedule all day pool for kids under 15.

Day 1: Confined water 1-5

Day 2: Ocean dives 1 & 2

Day 3: Ocean dives 3 & 4


  • Easy to schedule for some with tight schedules
  • Works well for those who have already done the PADI Discover Scuba Diving
  • Works well in Summer when the pool stays warmer
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